My name is Silence and I do not have an icon because I haven't made one yet now have an icon, made my Craft!
I'm a queer transsexual. I used to present myself as very professional, but nowadays I'm leaning more into my dorkiness.
I love Nine Inch Nails. My favorite album of theirs is With Teeth, and my favorite song from them in general is We're In This Together. I haven't made my way through their entire discography yet, but I'm working on it X-).
Aside from NIN, I enjoy a variety of other music, typically music within the New Wave (Devo, Talking Heads, Tears For Fears, etc.), 2000-2010's Pop, or Plunderphonic genres.
I like the game Pokemon a lot. When my 3DS still worked, I played Pokemon Ultra Moon a lot. My favorite Pokemon are Alolan Ninetails, Glaceon, and Pikachu. I also like to play games like (modded) Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and GMod from time to time.